Advantages of lightbox signs and why you should use them

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Advantages of lightbox signs and why you should use them

May 1, 2023

by Editorial Team

Outdoor advertising continues to work very effectively, no matter how many other sources of advertising there are or how many new ones appear with the development of technology.

Nowadays, this type of advertising is proving to be extremely successful and is very popular among various brands. With advertising as a medium, it reaches a high number of people and leaves a lasting impression on the company. Illuminated advertising tends to attract many more customers and leads to a significant increase in turnover.

What Is A Lightbox Sign?

Neon signs are often used in the world of signage and are a great way to promote a brand or logo. LED lighting, which ensures visibility around the clock, offers many advantages of light boxes over conventional illuminated signs, such as lighting, color and sound.

Exterior signs are usually made of a combination of aluminum, acrylic or Lexan. The materials are in the same color as the sign itself, such as red, green, blue or yellow.

So you might be wondering what makes lightbox signs so beneficial, what are the guarantees that the sign will attract the attention of your target group and increase your customer reach?


Positive Features Of Lightbox Signs

Neon signs are great because they can be perceived without effort, but let’s delve deeper into some of the features. Advertising is supposed to be about perception, and it makes no sense to get involved in it. The human eye is drawn to the light, so there is a good chance that it will miss the sign or even the advertisement.

This eliminates one of the main reasons that cost companies a significant number of customers. The light boxes are easy to identify, making the equipment easier to find and the costs are eliminated.

Spying on light boxes has an enviable advantage over other types of advertising because they provide the most exposure. This may be because the location is either in a relatively unobtrusive area or the building has similar features and can easily be confused with others.

Positive Features Of Lightbox Signs

Neon signs are great because they can be perceived without effort, but let’s delve deeper into some of the features. Advertising is supposed to be about perception, and it makes no sense to get involved in it. The human eye is drawn to the light, so there is a good chance that it will miss the sign or even the advertisement.

This eliminates one of the main reasons that cost companies a significant number of customers. The light boxes are easy to identify, making the equipment easier to find and the costs are eliminated.

Spying on light boxes has an enviable advantage over other types of advertising because they provide the most exposure. This may be because the location is either in a relatively unobtrusive area or the building has similar features and can easily be confused with others.

Create Brand Identity With Illuminated Signs

Putting your brand logo on a building is one of the easiest ways to raise consumer awareness and attract potential customers. It increases the visibility of your brands and portrays the essence of a company.

A permanently illuminated sign can contribute to the visual scene by creating a distinctive landmark. Whether channel letter or eye-catcher – this type of neon sign is ideal for every company. The planning of meetings or the building of a person can be linked to the light box of your company.

Without a doubt, this is one of the strongest methods to spread brand awareness and create a corporate image. The brand becomes an identifier of a specific place and becomes a focal point of your company’s presence in the city or even in the country.

Custom LED Illuminated Sign Box

So you need a sign to stand out from the crowd and the opponent. People have a huge choice of brands and always tend to choose the more professional ones.

Signage is usually the first source of communication between you and your customers. If one thinks a business has a bad looking sign, they are unlikely to use your service, even if there are other good signs. Leave an impression of yourself as a professional company so that they can choose you over the others. Signs make people think that the quality of the service offered is great if a company cares enough about the appearance of its brand.

Non-stop Advertising With Lightbox Signs

Proper advertising is the key to a company’s success, with 24/7 advertising being the fastest and most effective way to achieve this. Billboards placed around your shop will attract people to your shop. Outdoor Lightbox will promote your brand even at night when the restaurant is closed.

When you logo of your brand is memorable, people automatically start to remember it. So if there are people around, the signs on the cupboard will remind you of the shop and your business.

Lightbox is therefore an easy way to promote your brand and attract potential customers. Lightbox signs can arouse curiosity in people, so perhaps hundreds or thousands of people come to your sign every day. When they see it, they will want to know which company it belongs to.

Let Everyone Know That You’re There

Let’s say you opened a shop, which is great, but now you want to let people know your location and identification number.

People will never guess the existence of your business when they walk into your building, and you can’t avoid having prime locations. By running a sign and placing your business, you inform everyone about it.

Leave a Stunning Impression

If the external appearance of your company does not look attractive, people will not think twice about using the services you offer. Anyone entering a restaurant wants a striking light-colored housing to make a good impression on their potential customers. Some people see a bad looking sign, some people don’t see the sign at all, and some customers buy without eyes and then enter the store.

Thinking about signage can help to convey the right emotions to your customers, such as friendliness, professionalism and trust. Signs should signal to customers that your services are what they need.

Lightboxes Provide Double-sided Visibility

One of the great advantages of Lightbox Signs is that they can be one-sided or double-sided. You might think, What’s the advantage?

A two-sided shield is as good as it used to be, if not better than a one-sided shield, and even better than the other way around. People will notice your logo on the roadside, and you will too. So there is no chance that your sign will go unnoticed.

Low-cost and Energy Efficiency

When you make an investment in your business you want it to last. In this case, lightboxes are an investment of a lifetime. With the invention of LED light bulbs, the signage industry has changed immensely. LED Illuminated Signs last way longer than those with fluorescent or Neon lights, to be more precise, 2-4 times more, isn’t this great?

Another advantage of LED Illuminated Signs is energy efficiency. They use less power than regular light bulbs and save about 90% of energy and money as well. This way you will need to replace the bulbs seldomly which will save a lot of time, money and effort.

So, think about all these benefits that Lightbox Signs have to offer to make your business more prosperous.

Give these signs a shot.

Trying is worth it…..  you have nothing to lose.


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