Advantages of lightbox signs and why you should use them

Outdoor advertising continues to work very effectively, no matter how many other sources of advertising there are or how many new ones appear with the development of technology. Nowadays, this type of advertising is proving to be extremely successful and is very popular among various brands. With advertising as a medium, it reaches a high…

4 tips to make the best of your storefront signs

A positive and pleasant first impression is the first step to building a long-term relationship with your customers. The first impression can change or dissolve a business and set the tone for the entire customer experience. A study by Burt and Decker shows that the human brain makes the first impression of someone you meet…

Why retail digital signage is valuable

Attractive signage is crucial for shops to keep people informed. Therefore the importance of digital signage in retail cannot be underestimated. Digital signage will remain a leading global industry player in the coming years. According to 2015, retail accounted for more than 60% of the global retail signage market share, compared to 30% in 2014.…